New publications 2020

New paper in preprint on BioRxiv
Eddie Griese's second paper on 'Plant responses to butterfly oviposition partly explain preference-performance relationships on different brassicaceous species' is under review but the preprint is available on BioRxiv
So far it was well perceived and #1 paper in Ecology in BioRxiv when published

Manuscript on bioRxiv
10 years after collecting new Trichogramma wasps from passion-vine butterflies in a tropical rain-forest in Panama we manage to identify and describe them! Without no doubt, this is a classical Biosystematics publication!
![Screenshot_2019-02-07 Description and biology of two new egg parasitoid species, Trichogramma chagres and T soberania (Hyme[…]](
Recent Posts
- Dr. Bassetti, congrats – you made it! October 7, 2022
- New publication by Corne van der Linden in Biological Control March 31, 2022
- First thesis chapter published by Niccolo Bassetti in BMC Plant Biology! March 31, 2022
- Yes, finally, Eddie Griese obtained his PhD degree! October 6, 2021