Phd students
Sophie Chattington (MSc)

Monitoring pre- and post release diversity in local Trichogramma egg parasitoid populations
(co)promotors: Bart Pannebakker & Bas Zwaan (both Laboratory of Genetics)
Giannoula (Anni) Bogka (MSc)

Effects of climate and diversification on population structures and host selection behaviour of natural enemies of the olive fruit fly Bactrocera oleae
(co)promotors: Bart Pannebakker, Bas Zwaan (both Laboratory of Genetics) & Emmanouil Kambourakis (TEI, Crete)
Liana Greenberg (MSc)

On the evolution of anti-aphrodisiac pheromones in Heliconius and Pieris butterflies
Promotors: Eric Schranz (Biosystematics), Bart Pannebakker and Bas Zwaan (both Laboratory of Genetics)
Eva Drukker (MSc)

Exploring green roofs as urban hotspots for insects
Promotor: Eric Schranz (Biosystematics)
Diego Z. Gallan (MSc)

Deciphering molecular mechanisms involved in the interactions of banana, the banana weevil and Fusarium oxysporum fungus
(co)promotors: Etalo, Desalegn Woldes and Gert Kema (Phytopathology)
Research assistants/ insect rearing
Jordy Litjens (MSc)

Research assistant at Biosystematics and Genetics
Patrick Verbaarschot

Research and teaching assistant at Biosystematics
Violet van Oosten

Research and teaching assistant at Biosystematics
MSc students

Niek Palmen (right, MSc, PhD candidate)
Former group members
Dr. Lotte Caarls - former postdoc - collaborator at Plant Breeding, Wageningen Plant Research (WUR)
Dr. Foteini Pashalidou - former PhD - collaborator at INRA Montpellier, France
Dr. Luis Paniagua - former PhD - collaborator at FU Berlin, Germany
Msc Gabriella Bukovinskine Kiss - former research assistant - collaborator at Laboratory of Genetics (WUR)
Dr. Setareh Mohammadin - former postdoc - Dutch Research Council (NWO)
Dr. Niccolo Bassetti - former PhD
Dr. Eddie Griese - former PhD - Environmental advisor, Germany
Dr. Georgios Valsamakis - former PhD
Recent Posts
- Dr. Bassetti, congrats – you made it! October 7, 2022
- New publication by Corne van der Linden in Biological Control March 31, 2022
- First thesis chapter published by Niccolo Bassetti in BMC Plant Biology! March 31, 2022
- Yes, finally, Eddie Griese obtained his PhD degree! October 6, 2021